colorado is one of those places on earth where you can’t say, for instance, “it’s a sunny day“. you can’t, not the day part. because on a single day, it may rain, hail and even a flooding may ocorre. and still, it might be hot and sunny by the time you have to go out.

if you don’t like the weather here, stick around, it will change” they say, and it couldn’t be more true. colorado is where being a weather man is about knowing a bit of black magic and where making plans for outdoor activities is a bit tricky.

nonetheless, i’m getting used to it; the everage summer day here is sunny and warm*, with temperatures rising up fast very early in the morning and followed with an ocasional thunderstorm by tea time which doesn’t stop having warm, but always dry, nights.

* meaning: hail, intense rain and floods can occur any time, in a just matter of minutes. really.

3 strings to “colorado weather”

  1. annette says

    “if you don’t like the weather here, stick around, it will change” they say Sounds a LOT like Oregon. I just found your site via postcrossing — which I heard about from a friend in Seattle. Great idea by the way! I love getting mail other than bills.

    And today the clouds are hiding the sun, I’m wearing jeans and a sweater because the high is supposed to be 65, yet by Saturday we’re supposed to be back up to 92F. go figure.

  2. quem tu sabes says

    xiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ha quanto tempo :D migo.

    já não me lembro da ultima vez que por aqui passei.. que vergonha… mas tenho andado com tantas voltas ;) que nao deu tempo para criar algumas ondas por aqui.

    vou ver se ponho toda esta leitura em dia ;)

  3. says

    Olá, cheguei aqui de blog em blog do contacto e mais do que descobrir um blog descobri o postcrossing! Queria so felicitar-te pela tua ideia e ainda mais por a teres concretizado. E no pior dos dias ter um postal na minha caixa de correio é razao suficiente para passar logo a um dos melhores :) Nesse prazer envio também postais a quem me é importante… para um sorriso apenas!
    PARABÉNS! E quando já esta quase a terminar a minha passagem por Madrid parece-me que ainda vou a tempo de difundir mais uns postais!