start with a 10h flight and a 24h delayed baggage. then mix jetlag with altitude sickness and constant thirstiness. put new currency, new traffic rules and a new timezone together, and add, slowly, the automatic gears, the suv’s and a breathtaking view to the rocky mountains. cook on a very large pot and keep adding water all the time.

strangeness has been settling in since i arrived and i’m having trouble focusing lately. i’m having an hard time learning how to enjoy all this the best way, i think. emptiness has been a recurrent feeling and above all, i’m not being myself here. and that is killing me. must work on that asap.


4 strings to “cure for the common hotel”

  1. biota from Postcrossing says

    You are in one of the most beautiful places in our country. Good luck to you. I was born there. I will be on my way to your country in 3 short weeks and cannot wait.

    Have a wonderful time.

  2. Teo says

    everything will turn alright, just need a whole lot of patiente – but I’m certain you knew this already :)
    keep your chin up!! I’m here, on the endless webspace, ring and I’ll pick up!

    p.s. what’s your new mobile number?
    hugs! plenty of ’em!

  3. nrrdgrrl says

    all of postcrossing is vibing good thoughts and well-wishes your way! take it day by day and keep drinking that water… you’ll get there.
    don’t forget, you’re our hero already, whatever you do.

  4. Langwidere says

    I found your blog through the postcrossing forum – it was a little disorienting seeing such a familiar site on your front page! I just moved north of Boulder in January, to Longmont. Boulder’s far more interesting (I think) but Longmont has different views of the Rockies. I’d take the Flatirons over Long’s Peak anyday, though.

    I hope you’re acclimating enough to not have altitude sickness anymore at least!!

    Best Wishes!