Eighteen. Eighteen years is the amount of time I watched teachers pouring concepts into black or white boards. Along the way, I had the chance to meet a wide range of this specimens and even had close contact with some of them. The boring breed usually is the most easily forgotten, unless they were excruciatingly boring which gives them the power to teleport themselves into our summer nightmares. On the other hand, there is another variety of teachers that is extremely interesting to listen to: either because they really like the subject they are teaching about or because they are complete lunatics and like to speak about the more exquisite things one can think about. Nonetheless, they all have a very important effect on what we are and the least one can expect from them, is to give their best to teach.

Today I had my last university classes. Although there is no one around to celebrate it with, this is a very important day to me, as well was the week. Last wednesday I was the speaker on a meeting between my classmates and the set of teachers that is responsible for making everything work as it should during our 5 year graduation. Why me? Well, I’m not even a good speaker but someone had to do it, I was too tired of complaints and no action. Among several problems that we pinpointed, the hot topic was some of the lousy teachers that we had during the way. From a teacher that falls asleep during classes, presentations and even exams, to one that doesn’t even know very well what he is teaching about on classes, we said everything we thought about them. Will it have any real effect? Dunno, I hope so. But I sure needed to do this before saying goodbye – pedagogical quality is a feature that should be present on a teacher and that is not arguable for me.

So what doest the future hold for me now? Well, a project, a couple of assignments and 6 exams will keep be busy for the next 2 months. A six month internship is also required for me to graduate and plans are cooking for that. A master is not on my plans for the moment, but who knows? Life is long.

7 strings to “path chalking”

  1. ana says

    no, it isn’t. you got that one wrong.

  2. serennablack says

    Paulo, desculpa não responder as msgs , mas não tenho tido $ ! Tem um feliz, feliz Natal e bom ano novo!

  3. Pecola says

    Have a Merry Christmas! :)

  4. Jorge Laranjo says

    Merry XMAS Paulo!
    You’ve e-card in your e-mail :D

  5. José Pedro Magalhães says

    Parabéns pelo teu percurso académico (embora seja ainda cedo para os dar, mas sei que vais passar nos exames)!

  6. impressãodigital says

    tb eu estou na universidade,a do minho, e preparo-me para os exames de janeiro que se avizinham!
    torço para que tudo te corra bem…

  7. Anonymous says

    You are invited to check some information in the field of…