It has been quiet around here, and besides the lacking of will to write, it’s been one year since my first post on a personal blog – a good time to rethink about the blog itself.

It all started posting on a shared blog with a friend and at the time, it’s main propose was to update friends with my whereabouts as an exchange student in The Netherlands. It always had a temporary character and eventually it got replaced by a personal blog in the and later on, migrated to this version integrated on my homepage. Along the way, my ideals about blogging have changed considerably and that reflected on both the content and the format of what I wrote. There were a couple of times when the blog was nearly to be putted aside but it has survived so far – and in my case, I need those moments to justify all the others.

For all those who might don’t know yet, my lil’P stories are an attempt to document how my erasmus experience was, back in 2003/04. It’s meant to have what wasn’t written on the first blog using a different approach, this time giving more emphasis on how important it really was to me – something I didn’t do properly on the first attempt. It just felt like a documentary, I guess.

Anyway, blogging will keep going around here, for the moment. And to take some juice out of this personal rant on my blogging experience, here are some of the most curious search strings people used on search engines and ended up (somehow) on this page.

by no particular order:

mini bikes
string photos
micro string fotos
gothic crucifixe pics
red light district in utrecht
algarve stadium structural design details
braga hot girl
gothic wear
reasons to live in portugal
street bikers
just a bit of silliness really
luís figo wife foto
smokers lungs fotos
what is meaning of 24 over 7

some in portuguese:

sorriso amarelo
mamarracho dos poetas
que trata de wife swap
como tricotar
tatuagens new school
fotos de atraso mental
moelas em fotos
consequências das cãibras
o meu…penso que é mesmo cansaço!
coisas bizarras
combater insonias
fotos de guitarras brancas de bandas
músicas transmontanas
dores depois de extrair siso
requisitos para ser cantora
ovos em conserva
carta para amigo secreto brincadeira
mousse de chocolate simplificada
kamasutra simbolos -venda -oral -anal -compra -blog -blogger -procura-se
braga cortinas

for more, check here

One string to “2 blog or not 2 blog”

  1. ana says

    moelas em fotos? ovos em conserva?
    weirdest search string award goes to you!