This was meant to be a post to talk about my whereabouts lately and to say that I’m still alive. Well, kinda of. There isn’t much to talk about, really – just that I’m plain tired. Tired of the bunch of exams I’m supposed to do in a row, most of them leaving behind a feeling of not had learned much from it. But that’s more than enough about exams for this post.

My to-do list seems impossible to control at the moment so priorities have taken place. On the top, is to go home whenever I get a real break. It’s been more than a month I’m at Braga and I’m missing my parents and their eternal set of questions.
There’s an internship search I should be looking into and that I’m permanently postponing, a postcard project that I keep toying on my head, a few changes to this page that I want to implement and letters to write. There’s also a lot of sleeping to do – although useful now, I’m a bit apprehensive about my sleeping average time lately. This can’t be very healthy.
For the next month, there are plans for shooting my first photo session and a visit from Teo, the crazy caffeine-moved romanian girl I’ve met in the Netherlands.
More posting should take place soon, meanwhile, if you know anything about instant human cloning, time travelling or time stretching, please let me know.

One string to “Electroencephalogram”

  1. a vitima da futura photo session says

    a ber bamos…. eu nao pago indemnizaçoes a ninguem… :P:P:P mas exijo :P:P:P:P uma imagem como a minha merece todos os cuidados e profissionalismo :P:P:P